Customer Color Moose RDM

You can also order Moose RDM wood paint per 2 liters in your own color. For this, we need a code from the RAL-Classic system or the NCS system.

Please note:

  • The delivery time for a customer color is a few days longer than for standard colours, take a week into account.
  • Order enough of your desired color: small color differences can occur with repeat orders.

Please indicate your color code at checkout under “Order Notes”. This field is next to your address information.




We can make any color you want based on the RAL or NCS color system. We mix Moose RDM per 2 liters. Sometimes we can also work with other color codes. Please ask for more info if you are not sure. We are glad to help.


Looking for personal advice?

We are happy to help. Send an e-mail or call +31(0) 6 55 333 165. Watch our Instruction Video for more information. Request your free color-card.